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French tweets video tutorials at this intermediate level cover a broad range of grammar structures and concepts that are typically tested in the DELF B1 exam. It's important for candidates to be familiar with both the rules governing each grammar point and their practical application in writing and conversation.


What's included ?

For the DELF B1 exam, which assesses intermediate level proficiency in French, the grammar topics generally include:

1. Verb Tenses: Present, past (passé composé, imparfait), future (futur simple), conditional (conditionnel présent), and imperative.

2. Articles and Determiners: Definite (le, la, les) and indefinite articles (un, une, des), possessive adjectives (mon, ton, son, notre, votre, leur), demonstrative adjectives (ce, cette, ces), etc.

3. Pronouns: Subject pronouns (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles), object pronouns (me, te, le/la, nous, vous, les), possessive pronouns (le mien, la tienne, etc.), reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nous, vous, se), relative pronouns (qui, que, dont, où), etc.

4. Adjectives: Agreement of adjectives (gender and number), comparative and superlative forms, placement of adjectives.

5. Adverbs: Formation of adverbs from adjectives, placement of adverbs in sentences.

6. Prepositions: Common prepositions (à, de, en, pour, chez, sur, sous, devant, derrière, etc.), their usage with verbs and nouns.

7. Conjunctions: Coordinating conjunctions (et, mais, ou, donc, car, ni... ni), subordinating conjunctions (parce que, si, lorsque, quand, que, bien que, etc.).

8. Negation: Negation with ne... pas, ne... plus, ne... jamais, ne... rien, etc.

9. Interrogatives: Formation of questions (intonation, inversion, est-ce que), interrogative pronouns (qui, que, quoi, où, comment, combien).

10. Verb Structures: Modal verbs (pouvoir, vouloir, devoir), expressions with être and avoir, passive voice (voix passive).

11. Direct and Indirect Speech: Reporting speech (direct and indirect speech).

12. Conditionnels: Conditional sentences (si + present/future, conditionnel présent).

13. Relative Clauses: Formation and use of relative clauses (qui, que, dont, où).


DELF B1 Syllabus & Structure

Detailed Syllabus Breakdown

1. Listening Comprehension (Compréhension de l’oral)

  • Tasks: Listening to three or four recordings, such as conversations, news bulletins, or public announcements.
  • Skills: Understanding the main points, extracting specific information, understanding the speakers' attitudes and opinions.
  • Duration: About 25 minutes.

2. Reading Comprehension (Compréhension des écrits)

  • Tasks: Reading three or four texts from authentic documents, such as articles, brochures, or advertisements.
  • Skills: Understanding the main points, locating specific information, grasping the author's intentions and attitudes.
  • Duration: About 35 minutes.

3. Writing Production (Production écrite)

  • Tasks: Writing two pieces, such as letters, notes, messages, essays, or articles.
  • Skills: Expressing personal opinions, narrating events, describing experiences, and presenting arguments.
  • Duration: About 45 minutes.

4. Speaking Production (Production orale)

  • Tasks: Three parts – guided interview, interactive exercise, and expressing a viewpoint on a document.
  • Skills: Engaging in conversation, asking and answering questions, expressing opinions, and developing arguments.
  • Duration: About 15 minutes.

1. Listening Comprehension

  • Types of texts: Conversations, interviews, reports, public announcements.
  • Content: Everyday life situations, public interest topics, short narratives.
  • Skills: Listening for gist and specific information, recognizing opinions and attitudes.

2. Reading Comprehension

  • Types of texts: Newspaper articles, advertisements, instructions, brochures.
  • Content: Current events, practical information, general interest topics.
  • Skills: Skimming for main ideas, scanning for details, interpreting meaning and context.

3. Writing Production

  • Task 1: Writing a personal letter or email (e.g., expressing feelings, narrating an event).
  • Task 2: Writing an argumentative text (e.g., giving an opinion on a societal issue).
  • Skills: Coherence and cohesion in writing, appropriate use of register, presenting arguments logically.

4. Speaking Production

  • Part 1: Guided interview (introducing oneself, answering personal questions).
  • Part 2: Interactive exercise (role-play, problem-solving).
  • Part 3: Expressing a viewpoint based on a document (e.g., discussing a news article or image).
  • Skills: Fluency, accuracy, interactive communication, expressing and justifying opinions.


By focusing on these areas, you can create comprehensive video tutorials that cover all the necessary skills for the DELF B1 exam. Let me know if you need more specific details or examples for any of the sections!