-- Dr. Dolly Setia
Learn French To Boost Your Score For Canada Immigration
Are you interested in moving to Canada or Quebec and falling short of CRS points?
Not many people know that Canada is a bilingual country, with two official languages - English and French. Proficiency in one of these languages is sure to secure a permanent ticket to Canada. While knowing French is an immigration requirement in Canada, language proficiency tests like TEF Canada, TCF, TEFAQ and TCFQ, can get you additional permanent residency points.
Immigrating to Canada through Express Entry is a tough nut to crack. Low CRS scores can obstruct your process of gaining permanent residency in Canada. Some reasons why candidates lose out on points are:
Age: Candidates receive points for their age. If you are between 18-30 years of age, you are eligible for an additional 110 points maximum. The number of maximum points earned decreases as the age of the candidates crosses 30.
Education: If you have not completed any education from Canada, you might miss out on some points that are awarded to candidates who possess Canadian credentials. Having a certificate or degree showing your Canadian education can give you an additional 50 points.
Blood relations: If you do not have any siblings living in Canada, either as a citizen or permanent resident, you lose out on 15 additional points. To get the advantage of these points, candidates will be required to show that the sibling is a Candadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
If your CRS score is lagging behind because of any of these above-mentioned factors, then French proficiency can give you an upper hand as bonus points are only available to French speakers. Joining TEF preparation classes at ‘French Tweets’ is your best bet to increase your CRS score.
Curious to know how you can gain the maximum number of extra points?
It’s clear that a CRS score higher than the minimum will increase your chances of success manifold.
French for Express Entry
Those who choose French as their second language can earn up to 62 extra points (50 for scoring CLB 7+ and 12 for taking French as a second language) in the TEF Canada exam by using their advanced French language skills.
Numerous candidates try to clear the immigration process of Canada through Express Entry every year. Including French-language test results from the TEF Canada or TCF exam can give you a competitive advantage over others. Our Francophone experts have trained several learners through online TEF, TCF or TEFAQ classes and delivered exceptional results.
French for SINP
The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) grants additional points to bilingual candidates who speak both English and French. You can get up to 10 additional points for choosing French as a second language. CLB 8 and higher will give you 30 points in the SINP.
French for Quebec immigration
If you intend to live in Quebec, Canada, and gain permanent residency in the province, you can seek our guidance and support for the preparation of TCF for Quebec or TEFAQ. A candidate can obtain a maximum of 16 points by proving their knowledge of French. If the applicant’s spouse also takes a French language test, the maximum points can further increase by 6. Overall, you can increase your CRS score by 22.
French for other PNPs
Additionally, French-language proficiency can make you eligible for some French-speaking Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) in other Canadian provinces outside of Quebec, like Ontario, Nova Scotia, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and the Northwestern Territories.
We have designed our French courses as per international standards and guidelines so that you sail through the tedious immigration exams swiftly and move to Canada. Whether you are seeking to immigrate to Canada for the first time or want to apply for permanent residency, our highly sought-after French courses and one-of-a-kind resource materials will help you realise your dream opportunity in Canada.